Fresh sheets help me sleep better

by B.B. Martin
(Sleep Tips Forum Submission)

I do have an occasional restless night, but fortunately, I sleep well most of the time. I do have a nutritious diet, get a bit of physical activity every day and manage stress in my life pretty well now (I'm old enough to have figured all this stuff out!) All those things are health basics and definitely help me sleep well!

My tip is a simple one, fresh, clean sheets! I change my sheets once a week. I've also noticed that I really do sleep better on cotton sheets with a decent thread count, at least 300,

I use unscented washing liquid plus a natural laundry booster, borax (remember "10 mule borax?") This makes my sheets really clean and fresh smelling. I sleep like a rock. I can tell when it's time for a change because I don't sleep as well when the sheets aren't fresh anymore.

Also related to having clean sheets is that a clean room, at least relatively clean, really makes a difference too.

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