Recognizing Insomnia Symptoms

Insomnia symptoms can extend beyond simply a pattern of sleepless nights that cause you to be tired and irritable during the day. Symptoms related to this condition also may include a myriad of other serious health indicators that are directly related to sleep deprivation.

Everyone experiences a sleepless night or two on occasion. Yet, when your ability to get a good, restful night's sleep turns into a longer-term issue, this chronic insomnia can have a pervasive impact on your life.

This includes negatively affecting your wellness and energy level to your ability to maintain mental clarity and emotional stability. Moreover, while insomnia is recognized as a health condition, it can also be a result or symptom of an underlying, serious health issue.

In either case, it is essential to first learn and recognize the indicators of insomnia. If any reflect what you are experiencing, then it is time to see your healthcare provider to address your specific issues.

insomnia symptoms

Symptoms of Insomnia

Mood Swings
If you get easily upset, agitated, angry, frustrated, or sad - or feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster - you could be suffering from lack of sleep.

Poor Coordination
If you are feeling unusually clumsy and frequently drop drop things, stumble when walking, bump into objects, and/or have difficulty with everyday tasks, insomnia could be to blame.

Memory Problems
If you always seem to be forgetting things, losing items, or drawing that "mental blank," poor sleep could be preventing your brain from storing and organizing memories properly.

Poor Concentration
Are you having trouble staying focused and concentrating on work tasks or other daily activities? If so, insomnia could be the root of the problem.

Anxiety or Depression
Sleep deprivation can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression, as the chemical balance of your brain is disrupted by poor sleep patterns. Conversely, anxiety and depression can lead to sleep problems. 

Physical Symptoms
While less common, symptoms of insomnia may also include ongoing headaches, high blood pressure, and unexplained weight gain.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, visit with your doctor for an evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. If the quality and quantity of your sleep is compromised over time, your health and well being may be at risk. 

Related Information - Insomnia Symptoms

What is Insomnia
Causes of Insomnia
Facts About Insomnia
Insomnia Statistics
Insomnia Medications
Natural Cures For Insomnia
Take this Quick "Unofficial" Insomnia Quiz
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