Medical Injury: Over Prescription

by Anonymous
(Sleep Tips Forum Submission)

People who have trouble sleeping should always seek the help of a healthcare provider to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan to achieve consistent, restful sleep.

To help address specific sleep conditions, medication is sometimes prescribed. It can be beneficial in treating a number of sleep-related issues and help individuals achieve better sleep and improved health. In fact, sleep medication can even save lives in some circumstances.

sleeping pillsWhile a prescription can provide excellent benefits, it can also come with unwanted side effects. That's why it is key to talk with your doctor about any medication that is prescribed to you and discuss the risks of potential adverse effects. In some cases, allergic reactions to medication can be a minor annoyance. In other circumstances, an allergic reaction can produce a serious, even life-threatening, reaction.

There is also the risk of a new prescription interacting negatively with existing prescription and over-the-counter medications you are taking. For this reason, it is important to talk with your doctor and pharmacist about any new medication. Learn as much as you can about the potential side effects and be sure to tell these healthcare professionals about other medicines you are taking.

The responsibility for prescribing the correct medication and dosage rests with your doctor. Filling your prescription accurately is the responsibility of your pharmacist. If an individual is given a larger dose than needed or the wrong medication, he or she is at risk of serious injury or even death.

Unfortunately, there are documented cases of over-prescribing medication. The main reason this happens is that most patients do not have adequate knowledge of medication and dosage guidelines to know whether or not their prescription is correct.

At the same time, to fully benefit from prescription treatment, patients need to follow their doctor's advice and directions for taking their medicine.

That's why communication is key. Patients should seek and listen to the counsel of their healthcare providers and pharmacists. At the same time, they should always feel comfortable asking questions about treatment and medication, including dosage, timing, risks, and expected outcomes.

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