Teen Sleep Advice... from a Teen

by Zo Chu
(Sleep Tips Forum Submission)

When I get a good night of sleep, I can tell that I do better in school and feel better throughout the day. Here's my advice for teen sleep - based on what I try to do each night.

  • First, I try to go to bed at a decent hour - usually around 10pm because I usually have to get up by 6am for school.

  • I make my room cozy and also try to keep it clean and organized. Nice surroundings really help me sleep better.

  • I like to listen to some soothing music just as I begin to fall asleep to promote relaxation.
Also, if you have any serious problems that could possibly keep you up, try to resolve them before going to bed to help you sleep more soundly.

I think having a regular sleep schedule is key to having a good night of sleep. Your brain needs a "sleep clock" to run by to be efficient. If you keep changing your "sleep clock" every night, your brain doesn't work at its best and you could be missing out on the sleep you need.

So I keep a regular bedtime during the week and then on the weekend... well, I admit, I do change my sleep schedule and stay up later and sleep in more. I am a teen after all!

I hope this helps someone.

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