Sleep Music - Does It Work?

sleep music

Sleep music can be a great ally in the treatment of insomnia, according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing. The Taiwanese researchers conducting the study found that older people who listened to soft music before bedtime experienced deeper and better sleep.

Study participants also woke up feeling more rested and experienced less stress during the day. The results are consistent with other research findings. Several studies have shown that music has a powerful effect on sleep quality.

Researchers from the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at Semmelweis University in Hungary looked at the effect of music on a group of students aged between 19 and 28 years. They found that students who listened to music before bedtime experienced improved sleep quality and decreased depressive symptoms during the day.

A control group that listened to audiobooks did not experience any improvements, showing that it is music, and not just any form of noise, that improves sleep. In both studies, the participants listened to calming music, such as classical music, orchestral pieces or jazz/blues melodies. This is a key factor when choosing sleep music.

Tips for Using Music to Fall Asleep

If you are interested in using music to fall asleep, look for music that has a soft, steady sound. Avoid anything that has ups and downs in volume or an upbeat tempo. Other things to take into consideration include the following.

  • Turn the volume high enough to mask any other ambiance noise that might be keeping you awake, such as traffic, barking dogs or the TV playing in the other room.

  • Give it time to work. The participants in both studies listened to music for 45 minutes before falling asleep. Plan your bedtime accordingly so you can give music enough time to work.
  • Choose instrumental music only. Lyrics can be distracting and might actually prevent you from falling asleep.

  • Experiment with special sleep music that integrates sounds such as rain, birds or wind chimes. This is sometimes known as ambiance music and can be found online and in CD form.

  • Try classical music that is heavy on string arrangements. The sound of string instruments resembles the sound of wind chimes, which are considered relaxing.

Preparing for sleep is just as important as the music itself. Turn down the lights, get under the covers and take a few deep breaths. If you like to read in bed, turn the music on anyway to serve as background sound.

Over time, your body and mind will likely get used to the idea that "music equals sleep time" and hopefully it will be much easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

Related Information - Sleep Music

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